Best social media platforms in 2022

Jan 17, 2022 | 2022 Articles, Community

by staff

In the last 10 years, social media platforms have changed rapidly. Initially, Facebook was the most popular social media platform but has since declined in popularity due to privacy concerns and changes in its algorithm that favors engagement over good quality content. Instagram has become the most popular social media platform with Snapchat following close behind. Both of these apps are much more focused on visuals as opposed to text and this makes them more attractive to users who prefer to share their lives visually. Trends are constantly changing as new apps keep developing that include features that are innovative. We don’t know what tomorrow brings but we need to stay ahead of app updates. Here we will predict what the top social media platforms are in 2022.

Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms with over 2 billion monthly active users. The app is visual-based and users can share content to their feed in the form of images and videos. There are also cool features that promote interaction such as Instagram Stories, Reels, and Instagram Live. This gives another dimension to sharing visual content on the app and interacting with audiences. Instagram is full of niches and each niche has a variety of influencers that act as leaders in their community. Instagram can be used by normal individuals who want to share personal moments with loved ones or it can be used by brands and businesses to market their products and reach their target audience. Brands and businesses benefit the most from this platform because of the massive audience and the ability to promote content to reach a wider audience. You can even open up a virtual store on Instagram and sell your products via the app.


Linkedin is an app that is primarily used for professional networking, job seeking, and career development. Job seekers can use this platform to post their CVs and employers can use it to post job posts. Your LinkedIn profile will have a breakdown of your professional experiences, milestones, interests, and skills. Basically, a virtual CV that anyone can view. Linkedin is a cost-effective way to network and helps people establish credibility very quickly. But, just as with other social media platforms, it can be difficult to use it effectively without some automation tools. If you find it difficult to create a powerful personal brand, IncrediTools provides a list of automation tools that can help you with your engagement.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best LinkedIn automation tools available and how they can help you reach your business goals. We’ll also provide tips on how to use these tools to get the most out of LinkedIn. So whether you’re looking to find new leads or create a powerful personal brand, these tools will help you do just that!

Twitter is one of the older social media platforms that was launched in 2009. This app is text-based and users can share their thoughts and opinions in what is called tweets of 140 characters or less. Twitter is considered a form of microblogging and a lot of online activism happens on this app with movements such as #BLM (Black Lives Matter) being born on this app. Visual content also does well on Twitter and sharing images, videos, and info graphs can boost engagement. The benefit of this app is that you can reach a wide audience and establish a brand or business identity. You are also able to deliver good customer service because the app allows for open 2-way communication between business and customer.

TikTok is the newbie of social media but has managed to prove itself to be a massive powerhouse with over 1 billion users monthly. TikTok is video-based only and users can create and edit short-form videos. There are built-in tools and features that allow you to make your videos very professional looking and on this app, the more creative and entertaining your content, the better you will do. There are many niches on TikTok and it is easy to go viral and build a huge following. Businesses can use this app to target their audience with creative content or partner with influencers. Promoting content on TikTok with paid advertisements is very expensive; however, you can create or join hashtag challenges, which are very popular on this app.

Facebook is the social media OG and is the place where many of us began our social media journey. These days, Facebook mainly appeals to the older demographics however, it is still a good platform to share any type of content including text and visuals. FB allows users to build meaningful connections and this platform is known to help people find employment. Companies also use Facebook to find job candidates.

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