Gary Hoffman

Temecula Revenge: A Mystery Short Story

by Gary Hoffman

I could always find a million reasons never to attend funerals, but when Chuck Temple was shot and killed, they all went to hell. He and I actually went back to Elementary School #34 in Pittsburg. My family had moved there so my dad could find a job. In a quirk of fate, Chuck started the third grade there on the same day and for the same reason. We'd been tight since then.

Bananas about Baskets: Mystery Short Story

by Gary Hoffman

Jacob was sweating and his stomach felt nauseated, but his Uncle Leo always made him nervous at these meetings. He watched as his uncle did his usual slow dance over his ledger books. The old man would run his finger down each row of columns and then look up at Jacob and give him a half-smile when he got to the bottom. He seemed to have a calculator in his head.

Old #32: Mystery Short Story

by Gary Hoffman

I got my job as a batboy with the Pine City Pinkies not because my old man was somebody important, but because I didn't have one. Most batboys are hired because their old man knows someone or is an important person in the community. Mine left me and my mom when I was two years old. May 13, 1950, was the date he bailed out for "parts unknown to seek his fortune.” Mom still gets dumpy when that date rolls around every year.

