Feral Paws Rescue: Picaboo!

Jan 20, 2018 | 2018 Articles, Feral Paws Rescue

by Lupe Gore

Feral Paws Rescue Group in Fresno shares with us some of their animal rescue adventures every month. Check out KRL’s article about Feral Paws to learn more about them. Lupe Gore is a FPRG volunteer.

Hello, my name is Picaboo. My human family at Feral Paws Rescue called me “peek-a-boo” because I would hide behind something and stick my head around the corner to play “peek-a-boo” with them. But they couldn’t remember how to spell it. Then one of the volunteers told them about the Olympic skier named Picabo Street, and even though I’m a handsome boy, I like that name (as I am also very athletic) so I am Picaboo.

feral paws


Now, let me tell you about myself. I somehow ended up at the Los Angeles County shelter in Lancaster in February 2017. I was already an adult, about one year old. I had a home, but I was an outdoor cat, and animal control came and picked me up. The people at the shelter put me in a cage with feral cats all around me. I was terrified and didn’t like that place at all. I was afraid they’d kill me if no one came for me. Cats only have a few days to be adopted from that shelter, and ones they think are feral have to go to a rescue. feral paws

I was so happy when Feral Paws Rescue sent someone to get me out of there! I stayed in a nice house in the area for a week or so until they drove down and brought me to Fresno to their Main Rescue. After being locked up in a kennel at the shelter I wanted to be free to roam around, so I decided to get myself out of the enclosure I was put in. The nice humans at the rescue allowed me to stay outside the enclosure and follow them around as they fed the others. I also helped them do chores. I loved being able to run up the many trees, jump onto the roof tops of the cattery and have fun.

One day in August 2017, I decided to roam a little further and ended up at a neighbor’s property. He was a nice neighbor. He fed me and let me inside when I wanted. I had fun at his property. I didn’t realize how worried my humans at the rescue were, though, and didn’t know they were looking all over for me fearing something bad had happened! Finally, I got tired of being there, so just before Christmas I returned to the rescue. feral paws

My humans there were so happy to see me they let me inside the big house where one of them snuggled with me on the sofa and took my picture. Inside, there is a fireplace, sofas, blankets, and other cats, including some kittens who are in there because it is winter. Oh, how I love to play with the kittens, and I get along fine with the other cats, too. Now, remember I am a big boy, but some of the kittens think I’m their mom, so I give them baths and take care of them. I love being inside most of the time now and don’t ever want to wander off again! Thank you Feral Paws Rescue for saving my life and loving me so much!

You can learn more about Feral Paws on their website.

Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section & watch for more stories from Feral Paws every other month. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to Feral Paws.


  1. Picaboo – great name 🙂
    You’ve had quite the adventures – some not very nice at all 🙁 But it seems like you are having a much better and happier life thanks to wonderful people at Feral Paws Rescue

  2. Picaboo, I love how you got your name! You sound like one kitty full of life who loves exploring! I’m so glad you found your way to Feral Paws Rescue.

  3. Aww, what a sweet boy. I’m so glad you have a safe place to hang out, with good friends and lots of kittens, and adventures too! Don’t wander too far now, buddy. You’ll worry the humans sick.

  4. Wow, Picaboo you have quite the life. I’m glad you are living in the big house now and how nice of you to help with the kittens.

    P.S.: Feral Paws sounds like a wonderful organization.

  5. Oh my mouses, Picaboo. Peep #1 has simply fallen in love with you, just from readin’ your story! What an incredible life you have led. And you don’t mind “mothering” the little baby kittens? You are a GENTLEMAN of a cat, for sure. purrs

  6. What a fantastic story, I love these kind of stories as they always make me smile. I rescued Layla from an LA shelter and it was the best thing I have done

  7. Picaboo, we sure are glad you found your way back to the shelter! We can only imagine how must they were worrying about and missing you. Glad you have a safe and loving place to stay until you get adopted!

  8. Love the story of his name. Stay at the rescue until you find a home, the humans worry about you!

  9. I’m glad that Picaboo found such a nice place to call home! I hope that his adventures will be closer to home from now on.

  10. Picaboo I’m glad that you finally returned to the rescue. With winter season and your worried human friends, I’m sure they were relieved. Stay warm and wish you a happy 2018. Hope you find your forever home!

  11. Picaboo, it sounds like you have it made now. Just remember not to wander away again or you may not be so lucky the next time.

  12. I love that you support local rescues & shelters with your blog! A a vet tech who worked in shelter medicine for many years, this type of support is invaluable…and may just lead to an adoption!

  13. Thanks for all of the great comments! I’m glad you enjoyed Picaboo’s story and I hope he gets a new home.


  14. Picaboo realized that love is everywhere. His decision to go back to the rescue really let those humans know that he felt their love and wanted to give them some more of his own.


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