Vinnie Hansen


by Vinnie Hansen

Blurb. Blurb. Blurb. It sounds like a goldfish swirling down the drain. For writers, seeking blurbs can be about as enjoyable.
Whether indie or traditionally published, authors are often left with the task of going, hat in hand, to ask for short publicity notices from other authors. It’s a big ask. In order to write a few sentences for our book jacket, the person first has to read the entire book!

Sleuthing Women: 10 First-in-Series Mysteries

by Lois Winston

Back when I penned my first novel at the end of the last century, I thought that being an author meant sitting at my desk writing books. I also thought it was the publisher’s job to promote those books so that we both made money. Silly me! Once upon a time that was true, but by the time I sold my first book, publishers had abdicated this responsibility for all but a handful of their authors. Promotional efforts had become the responsibility of authors.

Coming Attractions: Countdown to Left Coast Crime

by Sunny Frazier

Welcome to a new column for KRL. Once a month I will announce upcoming mysteries by some of your favorite authors and introduce you to new authors on the scene. I want to help you fill your TBR pile and Kindle with great reads!
Left Coast Crime Monterey is happening March 20-23. Dubbed “Calamari Crime,” I'm giving you a preview of authors who will be attending this year.

