The Source LGBT + Center

The Source Halloween Gala

by Lorie Lewis Ham

The Source LGBT+ Center's 2nd Annual Halloween Gala, presented by Tucoemas Federal Credit Union, will be taking place on October 23. It is their fresh and inclusive update of the traditional nonprofit fundraising gala. The purpose of the gala is to raise funds to sustain operations of The Source LGBT+ Center in Visalia, which is one of the nation’s fastest growing LGBTQ+ centers. Recently we chatted with their director of Development and Strategy, Nick Vargas, to learn more.

Queer Goggles: A Local LGBTQ+ Podcast

by Lorie Lewis Ham

This month we are highlighting LGBTQ+ authors, activists, artists, and more in honor of Pride. Recently we chatted with Brian Poth, who is the co-founder and Executive Director of The Source LGBT+ Center, about his podcast Queer Goggles. He hosts the podcast with Nick Vargas, who is co-founder of The Source LGBT+ Center and is their Director of Development and Strategy. The Source is based in Visalia, California.

The Source LGBT+ Center: the first of its kind for LGBT+ people in Tulare County

by Lorie Lewis Ham

I am excited this week to have a chance to chat with Brian Poth, the Founder and Executive Director and Nick Vargas, the Founder and Board Chair, of The Source LGBT+ Center in Visalia. I have been wanting to learn more about them and what they do for awhile after seeing all of their posts on Facebook, and I'm happy to be able to share that chat with you!

