Synchronized Sorcery By Juliet Blackwell: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

Few newlyweds would take their pet pig along with them on a honeymoon trip through Europe, but Lily Ivory and Sailor are not your normal couple and Oscar is not your average pig. Sailor is a (weakened) psychic, Lily a powerful witch, and Oscar her shape-changing gobgoyle familiar with a love for cooking and all types of human cuisine. Before they have time to settle in back home in San Francisco and her Haight Street vintage clothing shop Aunt Cora’s Closet, Lily senses something a little off. Not only does her mentee witch Selena present Lily with an ominous drawing of a beautiful – but dead – mermaid, Lily picks up serious vibes from a donated mermaid costume. While Lily believes that the design carries the trademark pink color of Elsa Schiaparelli, a death linking the victim to Treasure Island indicates that something more is afoot.