Simon’s Cat, Off to the Vet & Other Cat-astrophes By Simon Tofield
by Sandra Murphy
Do you watch the Simon’s Cat videos on YouTube? For a quick two or three minutes of fun and laughter, they can’t be beat. Be warned, once you start, it’s hard to stop! For his newest book, Tofield went to his vet’s office for how-to’s that make the vet trip a better experience for both the human and the cat. One tip from the vet is to leave the cat crate out at all times so the cat’s used to it. At the vet’s office, keep it out of reach of curious dogs, and don’t open it! Annual checkups are vital since cats tend to hide symptoms. A head-to-tail exam can find problems early on. Weigh-ins can give clues to a hidden illness—even a tiny weight loss can be a signal.