Short Story

Mystery Short Story: Who Squawked?

by Maddi Davidson

“This is Chet Armor. I need to dispose of a parrot.”
“Thanks for your call, Chet,” Jake replied. “I’m sorry, but we don’t––”
“You have to take him. I’ve called every bird and animal adoption place within an hour of Sacramento. No one will take a parrot. Snakes, pot-bellied pigs, and rats are welcome, but not parrots.”

Game Time: A Superbowl Mystery Short Story

by Debra H. Goldstein

Chief Rollins had waited for weeks to watch his beloved Eagles face off against the Chiefs in Super Bowl LVII, but the call that the mayor’s diamond bracelet was stolen during her 2023 party upended his plans. “At least,” he said to Detective Tabitha Stephens, “We’ll only miss the half-time show. We’ll catch glimpses of the game on her TVs.

Mystery Short Story: A Funny Name

by Gregory Meece

These days I take pleasure in the little things. My life, so often pinched by work demands, got some much-needed breathing room after my retirement. Now, it’s wonderful just to discover an unexpected parcel of time during the day. It’s like putting on your jacket and finding money in the pocket that you didn’t know was there.

