Scottish Terrier

Riley, a Handsome Scottie, Needs a Forever Home

by Lee Juslin

Riley, a black Scottie, came into rescue as an owner turn-in but with a worrisome background.
Riley’s owners were an older couple in their mid sixties who both had some health issues. The wife was in a wheelchair and dependent on her husband for care. When the husband went into the hospital, he left Riley at a boarding kennel the couple had used many times. Sadly, the husband died unexpectedly and the wife had to go into a nursing home, leaving Riley’s future uncertain.

From Terrier Terror to Therapy Dog

by Lee Juslin

When Marsha’s long time therapy pet partner, Jake, died, she was hit hard with the loss but also knew she didn’t want to give up on pet therapy. She put her name in with an established Scottish Terrier breeder for a puppy, but before one was available, a friend told her about a five month old Scottie on EBay Classifieds that was housebroken and trained. “Sounds perfect for you,” her friend said.

The Halloween Bandit: Remembering McDuff

by Judy McFadden

A pint-sized angel with shimmering, sheer wings and a crooked halo on her head stood among the motley crew of trick-or-treaters on my front porch. She couldn’t have been more than four years old, much shorter than the others and her small pumpkin container hung lower. As I handed out Halloween candy, I suddenly heard a loud wail. “Nooooo, stop it!” Tears streamed down the face of the little angel in distress; her mother hurriedly ran up onto the porch. I looked down wondering what on earth could be wrong. Then I saw it! My Scottish terrier’s head was buried in her candy carrier frantically trying to grab a mouthful of candy before making his getaway. I assured the frantic mother that her angel hadn’t been bitten by the black furry head submerged in the pumpkin.

Russell Finds His Forever Home

by Lee Juslin

Russell started life as a cute Scottie puppy named Scruffy. Bought by an older woman, he was headed for a life as a cosseted companion animal. However, when his new mom died, he moved in with one of her daughters and her family. With three active children and both parents working full time, this home was a poor fit for the young Scottie.

