
Rattie Ratz Rescue: Keeping Pet Rats Safe in the Heat

by Stephanie Cameron

With temperatures beginning to rise as the year rolls towards summer, it’s important for pet owners to be conscious of how the heat affects the animals in their home. As a volunteer with Rattie Ratz (a domestic pet rat rescue), and living in California, I have had a few summers where the heat was too much for me and my animals and I have had to utilize some of the tips described below. Although this article is geared towards pet rats, these tips and tricks can be utilized for many different types of animals.

Philly Rat Rescue

by Diana Hockley

As you may have guessed, KRL loves animals, and we also enjoy highlighting those who rescue them. This week we are chatting with Philly Rat Rescue.

KRL: Rescuing animals is a labor of love and total dedication. What was the catalyst for you to acquire Philly Rat Rescue and when did this happen?

Rats in the COVID Shuffle: The Shrews

by Alyssa Nader

Rattie Ratz mission is to find loving forever homes for all the rats who come our way. Many of our volunteers (including myself!) enjoy our own personal ratties just like the folks who adopt from us. Since we are in the business of rescue, we often come across our future pets at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.

Rattie Ratz: Rat Cafe

by Alyssa Nader

Many of us have heard about cat cafés, which originated in Taiwan and became a beloved craze in Japan, where tourists and residents alike can now choose from the over 150 kitty cafés that are open in the country. Guests can relax and enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee, basking in the company of animal friends as the cats roam about, a welcome break from the grind of everyday life.

Rattie Ratz: Keep Hating, You’re Making me Famous

by Alyssa Nader

I try not to take it personally when people hate on rats. More rats for me! That being said, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. I try my best to educate as much as I can, because I care so much about rat sons, and everyone wants the best for their children. Plus, I love rats so much I really can’t stop proselytizing to anyone who will listen. So here is a quick primer on positive rat PR practice.

Rattie Ratz: The Cool Trio–Bernard, Ralf, and Morty

by Stephanie Cameron

One of the hardest lessons a rat owner will ever learn is that the life span of a rat is far too short. When a rat’s life is cut even shorter by an illness, it is that much more devastating. In many cases, the grief-stricken owners are left behind with a mourning cage-mate to look after. This sad occurrence brings many adopters to rescues like Rattie Ratz, where they come looking for a companion for their remaining rat. Maryanne was one such adopter.

Mortimer: From Street Rat to Kitchen King

by Stephanie Cameron

Not all rescued rats come from homes or pet shops. Every once in a while a stray will appear. Mortimer was one such stray. He was found near Woodland over the summer and was taken to the Yolo County SPCA, who quickly contacted Rattie Ratz Rescue. The distinction between wild and domestic pet rats is quite obvious as domestic rats have been bred in a variety of colors. If you ever happen to see a rat with white on its body running down the street, know that you have an escaped pet rat making a break for it.

