
Queer Mystery Coming Attractions: February 2024

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

I am a middle-aged book collector. For a long time, I was the young guy on the gay mystery collector scene. As we get older, the friends I’ve made are starting to unload their books as they downsize their collections and possessions. The wonderful thing about that is I am the first person they contact about selling their books to, but the bad part of my friends downsizing is I am the first person they reach out to.

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions: October 2023

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

There once was a man named Joseph Sabin. He was born in England in 1821 and moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He opened a bookstore and wrote a multivolume bibliography entitled Bibliotheca Americana: A Dictionary of Books Relating to America. What his very brief Wikipedia page left out is that while in Philadelphia he borrowed a great deal of money to buy books to stock his store.

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions: June 2023

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

Fifty-four years ago, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, drag kings and queens, people of color, and white, all had enough and fought back against the unfair and discriminatory treatment they experienced in every civilized sphere: social, economic, and government. The LGBTQ+ community has seen huge expanses in equal rights: marriage, serving in the military, and in some states civil rights protections. However, as the LGBTQ+ community gains rights, the far right continues to attack and try to push the community back into the closet.

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions: May 2023

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

Eight years ago a friend of mine lost his life to cancer. He was eight-two years old and was undergoing yet another cancer treatment to attempt to remove the cancer from his tongue. He already had a very difficult time talking due to earlier surgeries removing the cancer cells from other parts of his throat and mouth. This time, when they put him under anesthesia, he did not wake up.

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions December 2021

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

Amazing that another year is almost at an end. This year certainly has had its ups and downs professionally and personally. ReQueered Tales lay low for most of the year with very few releases compared to previous years. However, we had some amazing titles come out: Skydiving on Christopher Street by Stan Leventhal, Drylands End and its sequel Betrothal at Usk by Felice Picano, Dead as a Doornail by Grant Michaels, Long Goodbyes by Nikki Baker, and Little Miss Evil by Lev Raphael. In 2022, we expect to see a lot more releases by authors like John Morgan Wilson, Edward O. Phillips, Lauren Wright Douglas, Richard Hall, Robert Ferro, Michael Grumley, Nikki Baker, and, new to ReQueered Tales, Richard Stevenson!

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions November 2021

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

As a bibliographer, a librarian, a collector, and reader, I spend a lot of time in mystery groups on Facebook, and the one major refrain from authors is the lack of publishers willing to take on new talent. Same with literary agents. Only the hottest and biggest names are picked up for publication by the major five, and even the smaller independents are getting ever more picky about who they will publish. I understand slightly their hesitancy; they’re a business. Why take a risk publishing a nobody author who may cost the business money when they can keep churning out the same huge authors.

