Purple Day

Purple Day® – Show Us Your Purple in Support of Humans & Pets Living With Epilepsy

by Dorothy Wills-Raftery

According to PurpleDay.org, “One in 100 people” or 1%, have Epilepsy. Did you know that animals could also have Epilepsy? The North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s (NCSU-CVM) Companion Animal Epilepsy site estimates that up to one percent of the general dog population has Epilepsy, and two percent of the cat population.

EPIc Dog Tales & Purple Day® for Canine Epilepsy

by Dorothy Wills-Raftery

Your dog suddenly goes into a seizure. What do you do? Do you call the vet? Is there something you can do to help? Are the blindness and confusion normal after a seizure? Can dogs with Canine Epilepsy live a normal life? What medications are available? Are there support groups and resources for families with epileptic dogs (Epi-dogs) to turn to? What triggers a seizure?

