Suspense Magazine
This week we have the pleasure of interviewing Shannon Raab, the Creative Director of Suspense Magazine. We chatted about the magazine, their book publishing, and podcasting.
This week we have the pleasure of interviewing Shannon Raab, the Creative Director of Suspense Magazine. We chatted about the magazine, their book publishing, and podcasting.
When you think of locally-owned, family-operated businesses, what comes to mind? I’m guessing it’s a restaurant or maybe a hardware store. Perhaps it’s a nursery or place that sells pet supplies. But there’s one Valley-based company you may not be aware of, in spite of it’s achievements.
The morning after a book launch where alcohol was the only real requirement, London book editor Samantha Clair was still recovering as she began her Saturday morning errand-running and marketing. As the go-between for her reclusive neighbor and another gardener, Sam is unprepared to resist the plea from Viv to check on her own missing upstairs neighbor.
Mystery author Lee Goldberg, perhaps best known for his Monk books, is now one of the owners of a brand new publishing company called Brash Books. We took some time to chat with Lee about this new adventure! Also in this issue, a review & giveaway of Treasure Coast By Tom Kakonis, one of Brash Books first published books just released with their launch this month!
As I was planning our Earth Day issue, and planning to focus again this year on ebooks, it seemed a perfect time to interview Jay Hartman. Jay is one of the founders of Untreed Reads, a company that focuses primarily on ebooks, and even in their print division uses print on demand because it is more Earth friendly.
Small publishing houses work for me because I can't seem to resist the urge to put my two cents in on how the publishing house works. I'm sure Simon & Schuster or Random House could care less about what I think on the way they run things, but I've had two publishers now who value my opinions. Let me tell you, it's a heady feeling.
Marketing. Promotion. Tooting your own horn. The bane of the writing life--or a boost? You're hoping to hear someone say, “I'll take care of that aspect of the industry. Your job is to write.” Am I right? Someone who will take the burden off your shoulders, tell the world about your book, make sales for you so you can spend your valuable time sitting at your computer cranking out the next novel. Fugetaboutit!
E-books are here. Money is to be made. Put that baby on Kindle and Nook and the other brothers and cousins of the e-book age. You no longer need a big publisher. Isn’t that what what’s-his-name did? Turned down the advance and made a fortune, right? And that woman with the novel no one would publish? She got a couple of million after she published it online. So what’s holding you back?
This week we have an interview with Natalee Rosenstein, Vice President/Sr. Executive Editor of the Berkley Publishing Group, about what's going on in the mystery market now and in the future. Information of interest to both mystery readers and writers.
Kent Sorsky would like for folks to know that there is a publisher in their “neck of the woods” that can serve as a resource for writers and readers as well. Linden Publishing, founded in 1977, by Sorsky’s uncle, Richard Sorsky, is that publisher. The original focus of the company was publishing books on woodworking. That remains a strong and impressive emphasis of the company’s Woodworker’s Library.