Maggie Pill

Twice the Crime This Time By Maggie Pill: Review/Giveaway/Interview

by Cynthia Chow

In the Beautiful Bird Over-55 RV Park, known to the trailer park residents as the B-Bird, the seniors of this Florida closed community are very aware of one another’s going ons and quickly take notice of anything unusual. The conclusions they make may often be a little questionable, but their innate nosiness has very recently even enabled them to solve a murder.

3 Sleuths, 2 Dogs, 1 Murder (Sleuth Sisters) By Maggie Pill

by Cynthia Chow

The three sleuths of the title are sisters Barbara Ann Evans, the "serious" one, Faye Burner, the hard-working, "responsible" one, and Margaretta "Retta" Stilton, the youngest "pretty" one. The two dogs are Retta's adorably oversized Newfoundland Styx and the motley mutt Faye rescues from the side of the road. The one murder is that of Stacy Kern, the wealthy wife of Winston Darrow and the sisters' newest client.

Celebrate Earth Day With 5 Mystery Ebooks! Reviews/Giveaways

by Cynthia Chow
& Lorie Lewis Ham

In honor of Earth Day all of our book reviews & giveaways in this issue are ebooks! In this post you will find 5 fun ones-Unholy Matrimony: a Lucille Mystery By Peg Cochran, Sketcher in the Rye: A Portrait of Crime Mystery By Sharon Pape, The Sleuth Sisters By Maggie Pill, Twisted By Laura K. Curtis and Grand Delusion by Matt Witten. Details at the end of this post on how to win ebook copies of all 5.

