
Brave: Movie Review

by Jesus Ibarra

Pixar’s latest animated film stars hopefully a new Disney princess, Merida. Set in Scotland during the 10th century, the princess defies the old age custom of marrying the first-born son of the clan chiefs under her father’s rule by competing for her own hand to avoid getting married. All this much to the chagrin of her mother, the Queen Elinor, who has been preparing her, her entire life as a princess.

The Muppets: Movie Review

by Lorie Lewis Ham

I remember as a teen loving the Muppet Show on TV and through the years watching the various Muppet movies, so it sounded like fun when I heard that after all these years there was going to be a new Muppet movie. My daughter was excited as well, not only because she remembers loving the TV show from old videos and reruns, but because a favorite of hers, Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), was not only in it but helped write it.

Arthur Christmas: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Arthur Christmas is about how Santa's son Arthur and his Grandpa set out to deliver a missed present to a little girl in England before Christmas dawn. Santa's operation has become very high tech with the latest Santa Claus, with the elves doing most of the deliveries and Santa's son Steve running the operation. Christmas had become more about the success and less about the spirit of the holiday.

The Smurfs: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

The Smurfs was a popular cartoon when I was a kid and I was excited to see them come out with a current movie. It was a fun introduction to Smurfs for my 2 year old daughter as well. The movie is about how Clumsy Smurf accidentally leads Gargamel into their village. As they try to run away Clumsy Smurf and a few others, including Papa and Smurfette, fall through a portal that is only open on a Blue Moon in which Gargamel and his cat Azrael follow.

Winnie the Pooh: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

The Winnie the Pooh movie is preceded by a short animated film about Nessie. It’s a cute story about the Loch Ness Monster and her best friend MacQuack, who is a rubber duck. Their home in a pond is overtaken by a golf course and so they set out to find a new home. I always enjoy it when they have the short films before the movie. They are a fun addition.

