I Know What You’ve Done

Crime Writers of Color Coming Attractions: April-June 2022

by Elizabeth Wilkerson

When I lived in Tokyo in the ‘80s, I devoured mystery books faster than conveyor belt sushi. But even in the largest bookstores in the world's largest city, English-language mysteries were hard to come by. The books were invariably exiled to a lonely corner in the far reaches of the store. I picked through the desolate shelves, hoping to find a few overlooked titles.

Crime Writers of Color Coming Attractions: July – October

by Elizabeth Wilkerson

Summer is a time for unapologetic, indulgent reading. From frothy beach reads to page-turning thrillers. But it’s also a time when schools hand students that dreaded list: summer required reading.
Mandatory books I was forced to read sank to the bottom of my TBR pile. The assigned titles, a collection of dusty publications I wouldn’t have picked for myself, never called to me. Not until the waning days of summer vacation when I realized I had to plow through hundreds of pages of un-fun reading before the school year began.

