
Coping With the Holidays

by Muffy Walker

For some, the holiday season is a time filled with great joy, family gatherings, gift exchanges, and festive parties, but for others, it can be a time of stress, disappointment and loneliness. If you have a mental illness, the holidays may be especially unsettling, and in some cases, destabilizing.

Substance Abuse During the Holidays & Beyond

by Emily Durbin
& Sherry Walling

In low doses, these substances can elicit positive effects like euphoria, mild stimulation, relaxation, and a lowered sense of inhibition and anxiety. However, prolonged use can garner an array of negative consequences. In the wake of continued worldwide financial woes, use and abuse rates of drugs and alcohol are up in the United States.

Holiday Pet Tips

by Sheryl Lewis

Holidays can be a fun time of year, but if we aren't prepared it can turn into a miserable time with your pets. With all the presents, holiday treats and small Christmas decorations, your house could become a holiday tornado.

The History of Earth Day

by Anne Mohoff

The original idea for a national Earth Day was conceived by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1962. For several years, he had been troubled by the state of our environment and apparent lack of care for it. The senator spoke out … and, finally, the first National Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970!

