domestic abuse

Juno, A Little Chihuahua With A Big Heart: An Animal Rescue Adventure

by Deborah Young

Juno, a six-pound Chihuahua and the pack leader of Juno's Place on Facebook, was adopted when she was two months old (and sick with pneumonia!). I nursed her back to health and now the little Chihuahua is a goodwill icon, doing big things with a huge heart and personality. Juno works patiently and tirelessly with children and adults, teaching them kindness and respect toward animals—and, in the process, kindness and respect toward each other as well.

Finding Hope at Family Healing Center

by Tom Sims

Everything is pretty low-key at Family Healing Center. That is by design. Even the name is designed to protect the dignity and privacy of a specialized group of clients. People come to Family Healing center because more than their bodies need healing–they have been hurt at much deeper levels. In most cases, they have been wounded by someone they loved or trusted; they have been violated and they have been betrayed.

