
Take a Chance on Me

by Lee Juslin

Allie, a three-and-a-half year old Scottie, was turned back to her breeder when the owner lost his wife and had to move in with his daughter. The daughter already had dogs so there was no room for Allie. Allie had one of her rear legs amputated due to an accident when she was a puppy. However, she gets along very well.

Labrador Retriever Rescue of Fresno: Eevee and Her Teddy

by Stacy Lynch Dodd

Labrador Retriever Rescue of Fresno (LRRF) is pleased to offer you a very special two-for-one deal––adopt the fabulous Eevee and get a bonus teddy bear! You see, her teddy bear stuffie is her very bestest friend. He has been there through it all with Eevee––the death of her beloved person, witnessing the death of her companion dog, getting dumped at that scary shelter, the pain of her torn ACL, meeting that really nice Defender of Dogs person who rescued her, getting comfortable in her foster home, her subsequent TPLO (Tibial-Plateau-Leveling Osteotomy) leg surgery recovery––and now Eevee and her bear are finally ready to find their forever family.

Fresno Bully Rescue: Rusty

by Terese Shaw

Returning a dog to Fresno Bully Rescue is something that we don't hear about often. This may be because there are feelings of guilt or the returning adopters are criticized by friends, neighbors, or even family members. But dogs get returned often and sometimes it's for the best. The scenarios when thinking about returning a dog are endless, and it's nobody's business to judge. With that being said, let's talk about a good boy, Rusty, that's been returned twice.

19 CRIMINALS By Larissa Reinhart: Review/Giveaway/Guest Post

by Cynthia Chow
& Larissa Reinhart

Maizie Albright may no longer be the teen actress star of Julia Pinkerton Teen Detective, nor a celebrity who spiraled her way into a scandal, but her acting skills still come in handy. A private investigator working as a honey trap for Albright Security Solutions (the acronym is regrettable but often appropriate), Maizie is testing out her client’s fears that her husband is a cheater.

