Dana Dratch

Another Mystery Catch Up Group

by Sandra Murphy
& Cynthia Chow

So many mystery novels are coming out all the time it is impossible to keep up! So once again we find ourselves playing catch up with a wonderful group of new and fairly new mysteries-Down in Flames: A Webb's Glass Shop Mystery by Cheryl Hollon, Guilty as Charred: A Cook-Off Mystery by Devon Delaney, Left Fur Dead: A Jules & Bun Mystery by J. M. Griffin, Seeing Red: A Red Herring Mystery by Dana Dratch, and Murder’s No Votive Confidence: A Nantucket Candle Maker Mystery by Christin Brecher.

Best Books of 2018

by Sandra Murphy,
Cynthia Chow, Terrance McArthur,
& Lorie Lewis Ham

Another year has ended, and once again we take a look back at a few of the many books reviewed in KRL in 2018. All but one of our main reviewers share in this post their top 5-10 favorite books they reviewed in 2018. Our newest reviewer, Katherine Costa, wanted to include favorite authors and TV shows that she has reviewed, so hers went up in a separate post.

