Chicagoland Vampires

Lucky Break, An E-novella By Chloe Neill

by Terrance Mc Arthur

Small has gotten big. With the popularity of e-readers has come the growth of the e-novella, mini-books that are too short for a full-length novel, too long for a short story, but the right size for on-the-go reading, easily finished in a week’s worth of lunch hours. Authors can develop a minor character from a series, explain what happened between books, or tell a story that only wants to be a hundred pages long.

Blood Games By Chloe Neill

by Terrance Mc Arthur

There are a lot of cookie-cutter fantasy books out there. You know what I mean–previously oblivious to the fantasy realms and characters around her, a young woman suddenly becomes a death-and-carnage-dealing, hard-hitting powerhouse with a sexual hunk of paranormal fulfillment for a mentor/mate. There’s nothing wrong with these characters, but I often wonder how, with all the frenetic battles or passionate sex they engage in, they have any energy left for the other part, be it frenetic sex or passionate battles.

