Caroline Fardig

Murder Over Mochas By Caroline Fardig: Review/Giveaway/Guest Post

by Kathleen Costa
& Caroline Fardig

I am new to Caroline Fardig’s Java Jive Mystery series that began in 2015 with Death Before Decaf, so when I was given the opportunity to read book five, I immediately sat down with my own frothy Mocha and was thrilled right off! Caroline starts this adventure with “ex-boyfriend turned friend” and detective Ryder Hamilton inviting Juliet Langley to a gun and knife show…ex turned friend may seem like an oxymoron, but it is a very delightful dynamic.

Brew or Die By Caroline Fardig: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

Juliet Langley enjoys managing Nashville’s Java Jive coffeehouse, but she loves her challenging new part-time job as a licensed private investigator. Working at her friend Maya Huxley’s agency, Juliet’s newest assignment has her working undercover to discover how and why one of the partners of Wonder-Gen Fabricators is funneling money into the accounts. It’s Juliet’s first case working alone, but scrubbing office toilets while disguised as a nighttime cleaner is not exactly the glamorous job she may have envisioned.

Death Before Decaf By Caroline Fardig: Review/Interivew/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

A former music major with a degree in vocal performance, Juliet Langley has become accustomed to changing careers and starting over. Although she may be a talented singer, paralyzing stage fright has her working in her second-favorite passion, the food and restaurant industry. The café she owned failed, not because of her stellar professional skills, but as a result of her poor personal judgment in trusting the fiancé who stole all of her savings.

