
Animal Rescue of Fresno: Babes In Boxerland

by Wendy Hunter

Well, here we are, my dears, already crossing the unbearable border of July into the unforgiving wasteland of August. The sun shoots down sweltering bolts of flaming fingers, wrapping themselves around you and holding tight like a crazed hand from Hell. Not enough sunscreen can be slathered on, no big hats are floppy enough, and that gigantic glass of iced tea cannot be cold enough.

Back from the Brink: Bebe’s Story

by Wendy Hunter

At Animal Rescue of Fresno, we have all kinds of dogs. Big ones, small ones, and everything in between. Dogs who bark, dogs who never bark, and dogs who bark just because they can. We have critters with long hair, short hair, curly hair, floppy ears, pointy ears, tiny tails, and tails of mass destruction. But for the most part, we have mutts. We don’t get a lot of purebreds at our facility, but when we do, it’s usually a Boxer. And that’s because Boxers are the favorite breed of Linda, our fearless ARF leader. She’s absolutely mad for them. If there is a Boxer in need, Linda’s on the case. She is, to put it mildly, a Boxer freak.

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: A Boxer’s Fighting Chance

by Wendy Hunter

A boxer is a different breed of athlete. For some experts, boxing is considered to be the sport that demands the most from its contenders. It requires strength, endurance, power, determination, and the will to survive. As mentally exhausting as it is physically, climbing in that ring commands a great deal of confidence. In Rocky, Sylvester Stallone’s title character goes from guzzling raw eggs and living in a studio the size of a coat closet to being the greatest boxing champion in the world.

