
Your Kingdom Come

by Christopher Lewis

When Jesus’ disciples, the men who travelled together with him for three years to learn under his tutelage, asked him to teach them how to pray, he gave them a very interesting model prayer. It’s one that has been prayed by many throughout the centuries, though I fear that many pray the words without really grasping what they mean.

Another Side of Missions

by Brandi Nuse-Villegas

Dinuba native Jason Naylor is setting off on a new adventure in missions.However, his adventure may be different than what many people imagine missions to be, reflecting a growing field that is embracing a multitude of talents and new skill to accomplish its goals.

Two Keys to A Happier Life

by Christopher Lewis

The Declaration of Independence states that we have all been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, “that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The right to pursue happiness is one that Americans have passionately claimed, and as a result we have a society that puts a great deal of emphasis on entertainment, personal fulfillment and any number of other avenues that are meant to carry us toward this illusive goal.

