
The Reedley Grammar School Bell

by Jim Mulligan

school district existed, and even before the town had a name, a schoolhouse was erected on the Thomas Law Reed ranch; it was known as the Smith Ferry School. In what some called a twist of bad luck (which others may have deemed arson), an attempt to move that schoolhouse into the burgeoning city of Reedley came to an abrupt halt when the school burned to the ground in February of 1890.

Bell, Book, & Candlemas By Jennifer David Hesse

by Kathleen Costa

Keli Milanni, family law attorney and borderline yuppie, has a secret even her BFF doesn’t know. She is also a Pagan…a “Solitary Wiccan” practicing her faith in private not with a coven. She guards her secret from public scrutiny, since her Wiccan faith could be misconstrued by her associates and friends, and possible derail the budding relationship she has with artist/photographer Wesley Callahan.

