
A Day At The Fresno Zoo With The Grandkids

by Tom Sims

Among the advantages of time and age is the capacity to view the world through the eyes of our children and grandchildren. Their eyes are fresh and newly awakened. All they see is through the unbiased view and unfiltered lens of one beholding wonder for the first time. Through their eyes, we can begin to see the world as children and it is a wonderful world indeed.

We Bought a Zoo: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

We Bought A Zoo is based on a true story. It stars Matt Damon who plays Benjamin Mee, a widowed dad trying to get his family back after the loss of his wife. He wants to have a fresh start and ends up buying a struggling zoo. If no one bought it, many animals would have to be destroyed and the zoo would never re open.

The One That Got Away

by Joyce Brandon

When you are involved in animal rescue, very often if feels as if you are fighting a losing battle. Too many animal owners are oblivious to the fact that their actions or inactions, as it may be, have long reaching and long lasting effects. The story of our little mountain puppies demonstrates this so clearly

