Aileen Baron

You Better Watch Out: A Christmas Mystery Short Story

by Aileen Baron

Every day, I pass the house. No one lives there now. It’s on the edge of a canyon that wind funnels through, and sometimes it sounds like cries and moans are coming from the house. They told me to keep away. Someone told me the house was haunted, that some nights, there had been sounds like harsh laughter, and lights flickered on and off through the cracked windows.

The Sophomore Slump: Writing That Second Book in A Mystery Series

by Jill Amadio

How often have you read an author’s first book in a new series and been disappointed in the second one? After eagerly devouring that debut mystery, you can’t wait to read the next book and the one after that–and the one after that. Discovering and falling in love with an amateur sleuth or a police captain is a satisfying moment for thousands of readers. Bring on Book Two!

