
What We Expected Was All Wrong

by Michael Stanley

Michael Stanley is actually two authors: Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip. We were both born in South Africa and are both retired academics. The eighth mystery, A Deadly Covenant, of our Detective Kubu series, set in Botswana, is about to be released in North America. It comes out later in the rest of the world.

Jackal and Hide By Victoria Tait: Review/Giveaway/Interview

by Kathleen Costa

I am an eager fan of Alexander McCall Smith’s No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series not just for his clever mysteries, but for the strong female lead, endearing relationships, use of cultural language, and the picturesque descriptions of Botswana’s flora and fauna, so I was intrigued about Victoria Tait’s Kenya Kanga Mystery series, and judging by the marvelous covers, I was right to start reading her work. Now, I am a big fan of her stories, her lovely main character, and the intrigue and diversity of Kenya.

Big Heads, Little Heads

by Maria Ruiz

The train was slowing, and as I looked out the window, I couldn’t see why. There were no galloping giraffes, no wildebeest or gazelle, nothing. A few thin women with pitiful offerings of a tomato or a couple of potatoes on a hub cap or woven plate, a few thin and raggedly dressed children running along the side of the train. The train pulled into what seemed to us like the middle of the African Continent of NOTHING. A chain-like fence kept Africans away from the train and kept the tourists (like us) from leaving the train.

Ten years of Traveling, India

by Maria Ruiz

Where to go next? Asia is almost exactly on the other side of the world from California, our home and where all our relatives live. We had thought about what we would do if someone needed us at home, but decided not to start back yet, but rather we would travel to the southern hemisphere.

Were You Ever Afraid?

by Maria Ruiz

“Weren’t you ever afraid?” So many people have asked this question about our seventeen years traveling and living outside of the U.S. I always say ‘No’. We did visit a couple of dangerous places like South Africa and Brazil.

Habari Za Safari? (How Was Your Journey?)

by Karen Lewis

After an eventful time of fundraising Chris and I, along with 10 others, packed our suitcases and headed for East Africa. We set off from July 23 to August 6, 2013.
The team’s aim was to help in an evangelistic campaign in the rural town of Kiseke, near Mwanza in Tanzania. Tents were set up outside for the people to sit under in preparation for the three day campaign which consisted of music and the sharing of a biblical message, followed by a drama to help illustrate and bring to life the gospel message. The team was also involved in praying for the needs of the people.

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted is the third movie about a lion named Alex (Ben Stiller) and his friends who in the previous movies broke out of the zoo and went to Africa. It starts out with Alex having a bad dream about all of them becoming old in Africa, which spurs him on to get back home to New York City to the Central Park Zoo which he finds himself homesick for.

