Books & Tales

19 CRIMINALS By Larissa Reinhart: Review/Giveaway/Guest Post

by Cynthia Chow
& Larissa Reinhart

Maizie Albright may no longer be the teen actress star of Julia Pinkerton Teen Detective, nor a celebrity who spiraled her way into a scandal, but her acting skills still come in handy. A private investigator working as a honey trap for Albright Security Solutions (the acronym is regrettable but often appropriate), Maizie is testing out her client’s fears that her husband is a cheater.

Where Does a Book Idea Come From?

by Peg Herring

When people ask where I get the plot for a new book, I generally say, quite honestly, that I don’t know. As far as I can tell, stand-alones like Aunt Marge come out of the air. Series books are different, because as I write an entry, e.g., Raining Cats and Cats, the second of my (Maggie Pill’s) current cozy mystery series, additional stories are suggested by events or character traits.

Shade Grown By Heather Day Gilbert: Review/Giveaway/Interview

by Tracy Condie

This new Beans & Barks mystery starts with a home and garden tour gone wrong when siblings Macy and Bo Hatfield come upon more than just dead leaves by the hostas in the memorial shade garden. If you are unfamiliar with the Barks & Beans series, that’s okay because Ms. Gilbert does a great job of giving enough backstory to get you into the loop without making you dizzy.

Serving Up SpiteBy Devon Delaney: Review/Giveaway/Valentine’s Day Post

by Tracy Condie
& Devon Delaney

In book 8 of the Cook-Off Mystery series, it seems that strife and cold weather have come to the town of Augustin, Connecticut in the way of an age-old argument about progress versus tradition. As with all Sally Oliveri books, there is a new cooking contest for Sally to participate in when she isn’t solving the mystery, and wonderful recipes are shared at the conclusion of the mystery.

Game Time: A Superbowl Mystery Short Story

by Debra H. Goldstein

Chief Rollins had waited for weeks to watch his beloved Eagles face off against the Chiefs in Super Bowl LVII, but the call that the mayor’s diamond bracelet was stolen during her 2023 party upended his plans. “At least,” he said to Detective Tabitha Stephens, “We’ll only miss the half-time show. We’ll catch glimpses of the game on her TVs.

