DJ Reimer

The Final Blab by DJ Reimer–RHS Happenings As the School Year Comes To An End

by D.J. Reimer

My final prom took place on April 27 at the Grand Hotel in Fresno. This years' prom saw one of the greatest ticket sales in RHS history (over 500). The theme was Lucky 13 and the luxurious hotel was decorated with red and black and included a comfortable upstairs region with poker tables and photographs. The dance floor was crowded, exactly as it should be! I was nominated for prom king and I was crowned king alongside my close friend Avery Perez! We danced a lovely dance serenaded by Joseph Ham singing a Sinatra song, and the 500 plus students seemed completely satisfied. Mission accomplished.

The Blab With DJ Reimer: RHS Happenings-DC, Fireworks & West Side Story

by D.J. Reimer

It has been a sigh of relief to know that February is done. I blinked, and now it is March! Blossoms are blooming, the weather is warming (sometimes), and my allergies are driving me nuts! Seriously, there needs to be just one pill that protects people from sinus headaches, coughing, fever, achiness, drowsiness, etc. I think there may be one but I hear its illegal in most states...

The Blab With DJ Reimer: February News At RHS

by D.J. Reimer

You think that people would have had enough with silly love songs. But I look around me and I see...that they have indeed had enough! It's not like I'm bitter about Valentine's Day, it's just that my plans will include sweat pants, Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and every Ryan Gosling movie ever created. Oh, and a lot of singing.

The Blab With DJ Reimer–The Latest News At RHS!

by D.J. Reimer

Change is among us at Reedley High School. Upperclassmen entered the parking lot on August 27, 2012 to discover an unprecedented tragedy: Ms. K is no longer with us. The Anglo-Saxon community at RHS briefly mourned her absence that Monday morning. Luckily, she is happy at her job at Reedley College, chasing the same kind of kids, just bigger and older. We wish her the best.

