by Lorie Lewis Ham
On October 25 the Book Barn in Clovis is having a big Halloween event called Magic, Mystery & Imagination. KRL too a moment to chat with Book Barn employee Joshua Muster, who is charge of their PR about the event.
KRL: What is the Magic, Mystery & Imagination Event?
Book Barn: It’s an all-day festival to celebrate the magic, mystery and extravagant imaginations and creativity that seem to surround this time of the year. We’ll have storytellers, local authors, activities, treats, a costume contest prize drawing, and a few surprises scattered about the day.
KRL: What all will be taking place at this event?
Book Barn: The day will likely start with celebrity cookbook author and party-planner Gina Meyers doing a demonstration of Halloween treat activities for the kids, and local storyteller Godfrey Coppinger here to spin a few spooky tales for the children (and those of us adults who still enjoy that sort of thing!). The paranormal/mystery book signings will stretch throughout the afternoon and consist of several local authors. We will have prize drawings throughout the day, but you must be in costume to enter! It’s a good balance of hands-on, interactive content, mixed with sit-back-and-enjoy. We also have a few surprises planned throughout the day, but telling you more about those would spoil the fun!
KRL: I understand there will be some local authors–can you tell us who?
Book Barn: Kasie West and her book Split Second, the latest release in her best-selling teen paranormal series; L. Marie Horton and Bellum Prophecy, the “dark, suspenseful” first release in her upcoming The Vella Series; and Che Gilson with Carmine Rojas: Dog Fight, her “gritty, urban fantasy.”
KRL: Have you done an event like this for Halloween before?
Book Barn: Not for Halloween! Every October we decorate the store for Halloween, and on the day itself come to work in costume, but this is the first year we’ll be having an all-day event to celebrate.
KRL: What kind of preparation goes into an event like this?
Book Barn:Weeks of planning ahead of time. There is a lot to coordinate with the different authors, chefs, storytellers, performers, staff, and local TV stations – who usually stop by to cover part of the event – as well as the flyers, posters, and online promotion.
KRL: How did the idea for this event come about?
Book Barn:We were tossing the idea around during one of our weekly staff meetings, and since everyone here enjoys the holiday, we started brainstorming different ideas of things we could do for the kids. Everyone here at Book Barn is a kid at heart, so it’s been a lot of fun to work on, and we have quite the eclectic assortment of things planned as a result!
KRL: How long does the event last?
Book Barn:The event will last all day, from the time the store opens at 9:00 a.m. until we close at 6:00 p.m.
KRL: Is there a cost for the event?
Book Barn:Not at all! Like almost everything we have here at A Book Barn, the event is completely free, as are the activities and games we have planned. The prize drawing is free as well and open to all ages, but you have to come to the store in costume to be eligible to enter.
KRL: Date, time and location?
Book Barn:The event will be here at A Book Barn on Saturday, October 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with different events being held in various parts of the store, both upstairs and downstairs.
KRL: Anything else you would like to add?
Book Barn:We’ll have cookies!
KRL: Any other big events coming up soon you would like to share about?
Book Barn:The following Saturday, November 1, is our third annual Children’s Picture Book Festival here at the store! The event will be in the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and feature several local picture book authors, one of whom has won the Newberry Honor as well as several international awards. The festival is free, and we will also have plenty of games and activities for the kids, as well as a face-painter.
Check out other Halloween events in out Arts & Entertainment section. Check out other mystery articles, reviews, book giveaways & short stories (including several Halloween books & stories this month) in our mystery section.