Help Bulldog Pride Change A Life

Sep 22, 2012 | 2012 Articles, Education, Teens

by Justin Kamimoto

It’s that time of the year where the birthday card comes in from Grandma and Grandpa and the posts of celebratory wishes appear on Facebook. That’s right! This guy just turned the big 19!

Now on people’s birthdays, everyone talks about the things that they want. While this bouquet of flowers would be nice to have and this bag would be great on my shoulder (LOL), I want this year to be a year of giving — for everyone. While on the ride home Sunday from a weekend of visiting family, I realized how great I have it in life. Have a roof over my head, food on the table and great family and friends. To me that is all that I need. When thinking about this past year, I have been fortunate enough to have many blessings – one of which is to be a scholarship recipient. So for my birthday this year, I want you to think about these three words: Bulldog Pride Fund.

Proud Bulldog Justin is on the far right

I recently did an interview to talk about Bulldog Pride Fund for a co-workers class paper and when the question came up of “how has Bulldog Pride fund influenced you,” the list just went on and on. From financial stability to building connections within the Fresno State community, being a knowledgeable scholar makes me feel at home in the school I go to and the place that I am lucky enough to have a great job at. Most scholarship organizations give you the check and send you on your way with best wishes on your endeavors. Bulldog Pride Fund is like no other scholarship. Every truck along this new journey is followed by support and advice from Mr. Peter Robertson, Founder of Bulldog Pride Fund. This amazing man has helped all of his scholars succeed in the journeys that they take on in life. His dream turned into a reality and helps supports students like me focus on schooling while grasping new opportunities when they become available to succeed.

All in all, please consider making a donation to the Bulldog Pride Fund Scholarship in honor of my birthday to help support new students like me at Fresno State. In seven years, Bulldog Pride Fund has become an astonishing $231,039.12 endowment (as of September 3, 2012) and I foresee the big $250K coming soon! I will leave you with these final words by Henry Ward Beecher:

“In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.”

How to make a donation:
1. Donate online here and select “Bulldog Pride Scholarship Fund”
2. Donate via mail. Click here for details!

Thank you for helping celebrate my birthday!

Justin Kamimoto, 19, attends Fresno State majoring in business. He strives to continue his community service work through his own organization, My Lgbt Plus, the Reel Pride Film Festival and works at the Fresno State Alumni Association. He is a proud Bulldog and enjoys all the wonders Fresno has to offer.


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