by Lee Juslin
Three names and a frightening hoarding situation had made a little Scottie withdrawn and often terrified, and this sad boy proved to be an especially challenging case for Greater NY/NJ Scottie Rescue.
Peter Pan, Paxton and then Henry, as he finally became known, was rescued by a general rescue group that felt he might do better with a Scottie rescue. Erica of Greater NY/NJ Scottie Rescue agreed to take him and placed him with one of the group’s foster homes in New York. However, because he is so timid, Henry was intimidated by the other dogs in the house so he was moved to another foster home with only one other Scottie. When Henry bonded with the other Scottie, hopes rose that he might learn to be a happy, friendly little Scottie. The biggest problem was his fear of men. While he bonded with his foster mom, learning to accept his foster dad was another story.“One of the problems for rescue when they take in a dog from a hoarding situation or a puppy mill is the lack of background information,” said Erica. “We simply don’t know what abuse he may have suffered. I suspect he was intimidated by the thirty or so other dogs in the home and spent a lot of time hiding. We don’t know how long he was in the frightening hoarder situation, and the amount of time spent there certainly impacts the timeline for his recovery.”
Henry has a couple of minor health issues; when he yawns widely, his jaw seems to hurt him. Erica said this could be something like Cranial-mandibular Osteopathy (CMO), which is a condition that occurs in puppies and usually ends when the dog is about a year and finished growing. There is no treatment required for it. It may have resulted from some dental work and the jaw was opened too widely.
Henry also came in with what looked like dry eye, however, the vet determined that it was a temporary situation, perhaps an allergy and not dry eye. It can be treated as needed with over the counter drops.
Henry was determined to be between five and seven years old. He is ready for adoption, but needs a special forever home. “I would love to see him stay with his foster family. It’s a lovely home on the ocean with a big yard to run around in and his Scottie friend to play with. But, that may not happen because his lack of trust and bonding with his foster dad is a problem”.
If Henry’s foster family does not adopt him, Erica is looking for a home with an older single woman or couple who are prepared to show a lot of patience and who are willing to work with Henry to help him develop his full Scottie potential. A home with another Scottie to “show Henry the ropes” and help him learn to trust his people would be ideal. In addition, a nice yard, preferably fenced, would be good, although Henry walks well on a leash.
“Erica says that she feels sad for Henry imagining what he has been through to make him so timid and sad, but “I know he is better off now in a home, with a nice big yard, good food, regular vet care, and lots of loving attention”.
Learn more about Henry and his pals in Scottie Rescue, volunteer, apply to adopt a rescue or make a much needed donation. Rescues, as 501C3 organizations, depend on volunteers and donations from supporters. Visit the Greater NY/NJ Scottie Rescue on their Facebook page or their website.
Learn about CMO: CMO site
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I have said a prayer that Henry finds a perfect place to land.
Aww, he is adorable!! I would love to take him!! I have a senior scottie and a 1 year old scottie, I have a big yard, and its just me!! Please let me know if he finds a home, I am in MI
Henry just breaks my heart. I wish I lived closer (Mobile, AL area) I would take him in a minute. I have the two girls, but I think they would mother him and love him. Another consideration is my son. He loves the dogs as much as I do and spoils them even more than I do, but he’s tall, and might be seen as a threat by Henry. I hope somebody wonderful adopts him and give him the loving home he so much deserves.
Already I feel my heart wrapping around him.
What a sweet boy. Hope he finds a great home.
Shame he’s not in new Zealand.. I’d gladly take him..I already have a Scotty girl who was going to be put to sleep as her bottom jaw didn’t grow correctly and when she was weaned she couldn’t pick up the I took her and hand feed her for the first three to six months of her life.. Till she could manage on her own. I just love. Her so much..
This breaks my heart. I would take him in an instant if we were a one scottie family but we have two scotties, a basset hound rescue & a bearded collie rescue. Prayers that this sweet baby will find his forever home soon. Please tell the foster dad to be patient with sweet Henry.
I hope this little scottie finds a home I love that breed. Is there a link to the N.Y. N.J. Rescue I thought I would share…
Never mind I see it at the bottom and for those that can adopt if you would contact them…thank you…