Five Sacramento Mystery Authors Visit Fresno

Jun 19, 2010 | 2010 Articles, Contributors, Mysteryrat's Maze

Press Release

On July 3rd, five California mystery authors will be making the trek from Sacramento to speak at the Fresno area chapter of Sisters In Crime — a mystery readers and writers group. Sisters In Crime is an international group that was founded by mystery author Sara Paretsky in 1986 to promote the professional development and advancement of women crime-writers to achieve equality in the industry. The Fresno, or San Joaquin, Chapter was formed in the 1990s.

These five authors will be speaking at the meeting, as well as selling and signing copies of their latest books:

Michele WeissMichele Weiss is a member of the Sisters In Crime chapter in Sacramento, California. Don’t Listen to the Words was the first of her suspense Marshall Falls’ series and Cover the Details is the second. She uses her many years of experience and training dealing with Human Resource issues in her novels. Retired from her day job, she splits her time with family, writing, reading and traveling. Michele also posts mystery reviews on Facebook.

Blurb from her latest book:

Harlan William Jones, owner of HWJ Winery in Marshall Falls, dies in an accident in HWJ’s wine storage. Katy Richardson, events coordinator at HWJ, arranges employee interviews for Lieutenant Wade Parrish and deals with the upheaval when it’s discovered Harlan was slammed over the head with a champagne bottle. Was one of the sexually harassed employees involved? Was the CFO, Harlan’s enabler in the harassment lawsuits, involved? Was Harlan’s second wife, Katy’s boss, involved? Was Harlan’s prodigal son, Matt, involved? After traveling to Mendocino to interview a witness, Wade and Katy are followed. Katy’s crusade for HWJ employees becomes personal when her dog, Sadie, is poisoned and her car is vandalized.

L. F. CrawfordL.F. Crawford holds an M.A. in Psychology, handy in developing characters and their murderous motivations. She started writing 16 years ago and is an award-winning author of over 14 books. Hills Voodoo, featuring Detectives Murry and Kidman — and a touch of the supernatural — was the first book in her current suspense series. The sequel, Fortune Cookie Karma followed and Bad Moon Rising, the third book in the series, is now out in hardcover. Three of her books were nominated for the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers Choice award for Best Mystery. Two have been on the publisher’s bestseller list. Her books have won the Eppie for Best Mystery and been finalists for Best Mystery three times. She is currently working on a new series featuring Jane Blackwood, a stunt helicopter pilot who cannot remember the first 12 years of her life. Her other project is a young adult fantasy novel, still in progress. Her website is

Blurb from her latest book:

Detective Art Murry, his famous opera-singing brother and Murry’s BHPD partner, Billy, discover deadly shape-shifters on their “fun” cruise to New Orleans and Jamaica. Billy’s accused of murder and investigated by New Orleans Detective Jean Gallan, who has problems of her own when her alcoholic cousin, who interferes in the case, goes missing on the ship.

Cindy SampleCindy Sample writes a monthly humor column entitled “Hot Flash” for the Gold River Community Newspaper. Her short story, “Tea Time,” is included in the 2008 Capital Crimes Anthology. After one too many corporate mergers as the president of a national mortgage banking company, Cindy decided it was more fun to plot murder than plod through paperwork. Her experiences with online dating sites and dating agencies fueled the concept for Dying For A Date. Her books are set in Placerville, California, the Gold Country town formerly known as “Hangtown.” She is a past president of the Sacramento chapter of Sisters in Crime. Her website is

Blurb from her latest book:

Not sure if she is looking for Mr. Right, or Mr. Every Other Saturday Night, recently divorced Laurel McKay reluctantly joins THE LOVE CLUB, a matchmaking agency advertised as the safe alternative to online dating. After Bachelor One decides he wants her for dessert, Laurel dispatches him with her cell. The next day she discovers her date has been murdered and she was the last person to see him alive. When Bachelor Two disappears during dinner, Laurel’s only alibi is a friendly bottle of Dom Perignon. The detective investigating the murders has to decide if the sassy soccer mom is a killer. Or the next target.

Nan MahonNan Mahon is the author of the just released mystery, Blind Buddy and Mojo’s Blues Band. Her other works include Pink Pearls and Irish Whiskey and Junkyard Blues. She is a member of Sisters in Crime and a contributor to the Capitol Crimes anthology. She is currently a staff writer for Senior Magazine and was formerly a feature writer for the Sacramento Bee and the lifestyle editor for the Elk Grove Citizen. Her website is

Blurb from her latest book:

Buddy O’Brian is a blues musician struggling to overcome addiction and take his place at the top of the musical charts. The murder of a band member and his own arrogance keeps him on the bad side of the blues.

Patricia E. CanterburyPatricia E. Canterbury is a native of Sacramento, an award-winning poet, an award-winning short story writer, novelist, philanthropist and political scientist. Every Thursday is the first of the Nancy Noire Mysteries set in a fictional town in Washington State. Pat’s first published novel, The Secret of St. Gabriel’s Tower, is the first of a proposed five book middle-grade historical mystery series, A Poplar Cove Mystery. Carlotta’s Secret is the first of her contemporary children’s fantasy mystery series, The Delta Mysteries. A small independent motion picture studio has optioned Carlotta’s Secret. Pat is published in over twelve anthologies and is very active with Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, Northern California Publishers and Authors, the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators and ZICA Creative Arts and Literary Guild. Her website is

Blurb from her latest book:

In Every Thursday, Nancy finds a body in her boyfriend’s apartment one evening when she drops over for dinner. We are introduced to members of the police force and the DA’s office as well as local gangsters. The action takes place around Washington State and Canada.

The July 3rd event starts at 10:30am. Reservations are required by the Wednesday before the meeting, as lunch is included. Come early to get drinks, pay admission — $15 for members, $20 for non-members — and peruse the books. Please contact KAnder999[at]aol[dot]com or call Kim at 559-228-9867 with reservations or questions. You will need to make a lunch choice so calling is recommended.

Meetings are held the first Saturday of the month
at Yosemite Falls Cafe, on the west side of Highway 99:
4278 W. Ashlan Ave
Fresno, CA 93722

The San Joaquin Chapter of Sisters in Crime is dedicated to combating discrimination against women in the mystery field and promoting the professional advancement of women who write mysteries.


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