5 Tips on Building a Dog-Friendly Community

Jun 16, 2021 | 2021 Articles, Pets

by staff

Dogs can bring a lot of good to the community; therefore, it is our duty to build a society that embraces dogs and recognizes their essential role in our lives. When dogs are present, the people and the community thrive. When you take your Frenchie puppies out on a walk, people will stop you just to pet them. Dogs have been shown to bring a positive impact in communities; therefore, it is the duty of the community members to make it good for dog owners if they want to thrive. Here are some ways to do so.

Creating animal parks
Communities should designate specific areas in the neighborhoods to be animal parks where dogs can relax and play. This can be a great way to please dog owners and non-pet owners too. If the community creates a place where dog owners can take their dogs to play, it will prevent them from playing within the neighborhood, where they could cause damage to people’s flowerbeds and gardens. An animal park is also a great idea, as it will give the residents an excellent opportunity to socialize and know each other well as the dogs have fun.

Allowing barking in the community noise policy
Sometimes dogs bark, and this may become annoying to people who don’t own dogs. Every dog will bark when they are distressed or feel threatened by others. The complaints about dogs barking are common, and the community members usually report to the HOA management. However, dogs should be allowed to bark, but the barking should only happen during specific times and for a certain period in a day.
When people are sleeping and need all the quiet time they can get, dogs should comply with the quiet hour’s policy of that specific neighborhood to sleep soundly, and they won’t have to complain about the noise. During the day, dog owners should also condition their dogs to bark for a specific duration rather than prolonged barking that can distract other neighbors.

Holding pet walks in the community
Dog owners should be allowed to hold pet walks in the community to use the opportunity to bring people together and allow their dogs to meet other dogs, especially in the afternoon when there is some bit of sun and nice weather. Also, pet owners love showing their dogs off and comparing them with others, and this should serve as the perfect opportunity to do so. If any member of the society is interested in joining the pet walks, they could learn a thing or two about these magnificent animals. The walks may even change their minds, and they may also decide to be dog owners in the future.
Not every animal lover is a dog owner, but they enjoy going to such events to interact with them and have fun. The events planner should ensure that they let the neighbors know about the event earlier, like a month or two before, to allow more people to plan and attend the event.

More awareness
Many dog issues need to be addressed in our communities. Every community can choose to hold events where members attend to learn more about these dog issues. The events should have significant themes, for instance, “rabies awareness” or “animal rescue,” like most dog-friendly communities do. Besides, the community could hold galas bi-yearly to raise awareness on such issues. The events will help bring support to dogs and save them when need be. Being a dog-friendly community can be very rewarding for everyone involved.

Having welcoming businesses
Business owners who allow dogs on their patios and inside the stories or restaurants make it easier for dog owners to spend more time with the animals. Such an act can be helpful to your business, as it will increase foot traffic. It is common for dog owners to spend more time in a bar or café if allowed to have their dogs with them. However, businesses that maltreat animals may lose customers, especially animal lovers and owners too. Therefore, communities should be educated on the benefits of having welcoming businesses to make it good for dog owners. If you are a dog owner, also ensure that you live in a dog-friendly neighborhood to be more comfortable.
It is said that dogs are a man’s best friend. If we treat dogs right in our communities, we make it easier for that community to thrive. When a community implements a dog-friendly environment, the residents become happy and are more likely to embrace the animals. We can only do that by making it good and more manageable for dog owners.

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