by Lorie Lewis Ham
The first episode of our new mystery podcast is up! We are pretty much learning as we go as to what is the best method for people to listen to it so I hope you will all be patient with us. If you would like to go to Podbean and subscribe to the podcast you can click here. That way you can use the ap to listen on your devices. Or you can just use the player here below to listen to it this way. And hopefully before the next episode goes up we will also be on iTunes! Either way I hope you enjoy and keep listening! They will be going up once a month for now, but possibly more in the future and will feature mystery short stories, and first chapters of mystery novels, read by local actors. You can also subscribe to our podcast newsletter that will go out once a month with updates on the podcast, and hopefully some special contests, and extra content. You can subscribe to that by clicking here.
This short story was written by Nancy Cole Silverman and you can learn more about her on her website. It was read by Fresno actor Cyndle Cee.
Engaging story from a favorite author! Entertaining voice artistry from local talent! A big hit podcast for Kings River Life!