by Lorie Lewis Ham
May 29 is the 9th anniversary of KRL! It’s been an amazing 9 years that have seen a lot of changes. Thanks to all of you who read KRL and I hope you continue to do so for many more years to come. It has also been almost a year since the first episode of Mysteryrat’s Maze Podcast went up! The new year ahead of us will likely see many more changes, but we will always stay true to our core and you will always find mystery, theatre, animal rescue and more in KRL and KRL News and Reviews!
Speaking of KRL News, be sure to hop over there this week to check out the new articles over there! We will probably be putting more and more of our articles over there so don’t miss out-if you read us through a subscription that goes to your email you can sign up over on KRL News & Reviews for the same thing for the articles posted there! In the meantime just hop on over there and see what we have up this week!
Also don’t forget to check out our mystery podcast! It’s really simple to listen just click on the link and then click play on whichever episode you want to listen to. While it is also on iTunes and Google Play, if you don’t have those just going to the podcast website is as simple as pie! Don’t miss out on this new mystery and theatre fun! A new episode goes up this week.
We also have a brand new pets newsletter that will be going out once a month letting our readers know about all of the pet and animal rescue related articles that went up that month so you never miss a thing. We hope to send the first one out in May, or possibly June. We also hope to provide some additional content and maybe even some pet related giveaways. You can use this box to subscribe!