by Linda O. Johnston
This week we have a guest post by mystery author Linda Johnston on a great animal rescue fundraiser being done by Penguin. Also in this issue is a review of Linda’s latest pet rescue mystery, a chance to win a copy of the book & a video interview with Linda.
What could be more worthwhile than reading mysteries about animals? How about reading mysteries that are not only about animals, but also encourage donating to an organization that helps endangered and abused critters?
Penguin Group (USA) Inc. has made a substantial donation to the Humane Society of The United States® in support of its Animal Rescue Team as part of its new Read Humane™ program. Penguin will be shipping 50,000 special books starring furry friends, both dogs and cats. Those books have Read Humane seals on them and include information about the Humane Society and its Animal Rescue Team.
I’m proud to say that I’m one of the participating authors, which also include Rebecca M. Hale, Alison Pace, Miranda James, and Sofie Kelly. I’m especially excited to report that the Read Humane spokesperson is Nora Roberts.
The Humane Society’s Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate illegal animal cruelty, targeting the worst cases of animal abuse nationwide. They get involved with rescuing animals from everything from puppy mills, dog fighting, or animal hoarding, to natural disasters. You can read about the organization, and watch some of its amazing stories, on its website.
There will be 1,700 floor displays in bookstores carrying the Read Humane message. Information will also be printed in the back of each participating book letting readers know where they can learn more about the Humane Society’s Animal Rescue Team–and how they, too, can contribute to this worthwhile organization.
The books that will carry the Read Humane logo include my first Pet Rescue Mystery, Beaglemania, as well as The Search by Nora Roberts, How to Wash A Cat by Rebecca M. Hale, Pug Hill by Alison Pace, Murder Past Due by Miranda James, and Curiosity Thrilled The Cat by Sofie Kelly.
According to Penguin: “The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization, backed by 11 million Americans. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals – a world that will also benefit people. The HSUS works with local humane societies and supports their work through training, evaluations, publications, and other professional services. Additionally, The HSUS operates its own network of animal sanctuaries and rescue operations, providing emergency care and homes to more animals than any other organization in the United States.”
Penguin Group (USA) Inc. is the U.S. member of the internationally renowned Penguin Group. It is one of the leading U.S. adult and children’s trade book publishers, owning a wide range of imprints and trademarks, including Viking, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The Penguin Press, Riverhead Books, Dutton, Penguin Books, Berkley Books, Gotham Books, Portfolio, New American Library, Plume, Tarcher, Philomel, Grosset & Dunlap, Puffin, and Frederick Warne, among others. The Penguin Group is part of Pearson plc, the international media company.
Visit the Humane Society’s website to learn more about the organization, and how you can get involved in helping to save and care for lots of animals, both pets and wildlife. And visit Penguin’s Read Humane website to see a video about Read Humane by author Nora Roberts, and to learn more.
The Read Humane program started on April 24, 2012, and continues through May.