by Turtle
We learned about Turtle through a friend on Facebook and asked her to share her story with us. You can learn more about Turtle on her Facebook page & his website. She and her human mother, Kristie Miller, live in Granbury, Texas.
Hi! My name is Turtle! I started out life in a bad place. My vet believes I was used as a bait dog for dog fights. When I was rescued I was around two years old and I only weighed 11.6 pounds! My ears had been cut off at my head and I was covered in mange and bite wounds.
Mom adopted me from the animal shelter on January 29, 2009 and I have never looked back! I believe that we all need to do what we can to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. I want to use my story to help other Pit Bulls. Unfortunately, because I AM a Pit Bull, a lot of people don’t want me inside their businesses or on their properties, so Mom and I put our heads together and decided I should learn how to paint. I mean, how threatening is a Pit Bull with a paint mitt, right?
It worked and now I am known as PITcasso! Turtle the Painting Pit Bull. We have developed an anti-bullying program called, “Bullying From A Pit Bull’s Perspective;” we visit schools and talk to kids about the dangers of bullying each other, and about animal abuse. We show them my video so they can see that even if you are bullied you can overcome it. At the end of the program I paint a picture that we frame and leave with the school to remind the kids that bullying hurts.
So far, over 10,000 kids have heard my story. The teachers have the kids write letters and cards telling me what they learned from my visit. Some of them even draw pictures, and some of them tell me how they are being bullied and that my story gives them hope that it will get better.
My best friend is an English Bulldog named Leroy Brown. Leroy has Severe Pulmonic Stenosis but he doesn’t let that stop him. He still visits nursing homes, works with special needs kids, teaches Responsible Pet Ownership classes, and Dog Bite Prevention classes. He also has his own Reading with Leroy Brown Program to help kids get better at reading. Leroy helped me overcome the abuse I suffered in my past. He accepts me just the way I am and he is my biggest fan!
A few years ago I started having seizures but I am determined to live every day to the fullest!
Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to Fresno Bully Rescue.
May Turtle and Leroy Brown live happy lives. In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if every rescued dog could have happy lives?
I have personally seen Turtle work! She is a goodwill ambassador for all pit bulls and her anti-bullying campaign changes lives.
Thank you for featuring her on your site!
Oh, this is so sad, how could people do this to you?!
I’m so happy you’re in a better place right now!!
It’s so important to share your story!
You’re a great painter btw!!
Love x