A Guide to Getting A Job After Travelling

Feb 22, 2019 | 2019 Articles, Travel

by staff

Most people are career oriented their whole lives. There is nothing wrong with this, but it brings about little excitement and enjoyment. Sure, you get a yearly vacation of a week or so where you can do some traveling and see the world, but this just isn’t as fulfilling as taking a career break to travel. In fact, taking time from your career and finding the time to enjoy life can be one of the most enlightening things that you can do Of course, there will come a time when you have to get back to work and a year or two gap in employment can be hard to explain, but with the following tips, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a job after taking a long lay off to see the world.provided by author
Get Everything In Order Before You Travel

It doesn’t matter if you are taking a sabbatical or you are simply quitting your job, you have to have a plan for when you get back. You can’t travel forever without money and there will be a time when you have to look for a job again. The are several different ways to tackle this. First, you want to make sure that you are saving examples of your work. For instance, create a resume before you travel, make copies of your work, and upload all this information to a cloud device so that you will have it when you get back. Everything will already be fresh in your mind at this point and you won’t have to scramble when you get back. It also helps to get references from your current workplace just to show your new potential employers that everything ended benevolently.

Prepare For The Return

As your trip is narrowing down there are steps that you can take to help ease yourself back into the transition. Don’t get too carried away because you don’t want this to ruin the last leg of your life-changing vacation, but there are minor steps that you can take to help ease yourself back into the working world. You will probably need at least two months when you return home to find a job, so make sure you know how much money you are going to need to survive for that time period. Figure out if you need to make new living arrangements and it doesn’t even hurt to take a peek into what is available. Of course, you don’t want to start applying right away, but it doesn’t hurt to know what is out there. Also, remember that you always have access to an employment discrimination lawyer if one is needed.

Get Back In the Right Mindset

It can be extremely hard to get back into the career mindset when you arrive back from a major sabbatical like this. This is why you need to develop a quick game plan. Simply start by setting a date that you are going to start looking for jobs and commit to that date. It also doesn’t hurt to pull out that old resume you devised before your trip and polish it up some or at least start going over your achievements. Also, remember that there are a number of recruitment agencies and websites available that will find employment opportunities for you.

This is a paid post.


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