The City of Reedley’s Goals for 2011

Jan 1, 2011 | 2011 Articles, Community, Reedley News

by Rocky Rogers,
Reedley City Manager

Rocky RogersReflecting back on the past year, I am somewhat hesitant to engage the next year. Not because of fear or unwillingness, nor because we lack the courage from council and staff. The hesitancy comes because uncertainty provides nothing in which to plan with. The City has taken bold steps this past year toward budget stability, economic development and transparency. Since uncertainty awaits Cities as a whole, I suggest we move forward by faith and strength in the knowledge that we have a God who can make a way when there seems to be none. Besides, He has ordained governments to finish a task.

Our goals, our hopes will be to continue toward a more stable budget, more opportunities for economic development and a government that has nothing to hide from its citizens. Our best guess for next year is the City will face a $600,000 deficit. If we couple that with council’s policy to provide a buffer to end the year, funding of equipment and capital and maintain adequate resources, we have a very challenging dollar figure to attain—well over a million dollars. That is why as staff we have begun a 3-5-7 year long range financial forecast that once citizens and council have participated in the process, will provide the City with the stable financial framework in which to function for decades to come.

This process should see its culmination into a two-year budget by May/June 2011. The City’s economic development began with the commissioning by council for the Buxton Market study. This next year the City will begin practical applications such as stronger partnerships with the chamber and other economic agencies, bonding with the redevelopment funding to provide infrastructure, affordable housing help and business incentives to provide the impetus for private business rectors to do what they do best, Grow! Transparency was brought to the forefront following the ever popular “Bell” scandal. Reedley is revamping its web page to provide an easier to navigate site with better access to information including City salaries, contacts and agreements.

These are just three things that certainly encompass a great deal more than I have space to write. All I can leave you with is a Thank you for your support and civility this past year and ask that you get more involved this next by commenting, attending workshops, and council meetings.

Rocky Rogers is a guest columnist for our
Local Leaders section, providing his unique perspective as Reedley‘s City Manager.


  1. I was wondering if there were any plans to improve animal control in the city of Reedley in the coming year? As I understand it, currently stray dogs are held for a few days and then taken to the Central California SPCA in Fresno. I have been told that nearly 100% of the dogs brought in from Reedley and other surrounding communities are taken straight to the euthanasia room, they are not given a chance to find a new home. I would love to talk with you about this. Surely there is a better solution for our beloved pets.

    • Joyce thank you for the question and comments. As you are probably aware, funding is the driver, unfortunately, for most anything we do here in the city especially special programs. I will pose your question and concerns to John our animal control officer for a response. take care.

      • I have yet to hear back from you regarding the goals of Reedley and the animal control division. Year to date Reedley has delivered over 500 dogs and cats to their death at the CCSPCA. This is not acceptable and I would like to know what is being planned to correct the problem. Thank you for your attention to this serious problem.

  2. At a cost of $15 per animal for euthanasia the city of Reedley has spent over $7,500 to kill these animals so far this year. Seems like that money could be applied to an adoption program run by volunteers similar to what Selma is doing. I would love to talk to you and your animal control officer about it.

  3. My apologies. I read the numbers wrong and the 500 was for all of last year. The exciting thing is that those numbers are really manageable! I’m expecting great things from Reedley

  4. That would be awesome if needle stepped up like selma did !


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