GK Chesterson

Father Brown (2019)/Classic Father Brown (1974) on BritBox Streaming

by Kathleen Costa

BritBox is one of my favorite streaming options for movies and television programs any Anglophile will find satisfying, compelling, and very entertaining. From vintage 1970s detective dramas and comedies to current 2019 mysteries and sit-coms, I have enjoyed hours and hours binging wonderful shows from England to Scotland from Down Under to Up North. For my personal convenience I choose an annual subscription fee, since I don’t see any reason I would ever suspend my membership, but for others the monthly fee option might be preferred. Either way both are very reasonable. Anyone can forgo a latte a month in exchange for “calorie free” entertainment, right?

Three Clerical Mysteries

by Sharon Tucker

Police procedurals dazzle us on the page and screen with their systematic use of investigative and forensic tools while their detectives wrestle with case files and clearance rates. Private investigators struggle with their own set of similar issues but more often have the time to devote themselves exclusively to one case at a time without, however, the safety net of police authority and resources.

